It Girl: Petric Arrives with New EP

Manitoba brothers Jason and Tom Petric have been on a pretty wild ride for the last few months. Their debut single Here Goes Everything announced their arrival to Canadian country music fans, and now they’re making themselves even more known with the release of their new EP, It Girl.
The boys spent a couple days in Toronto this week to celebrate the release, visit with radio stations, CMT, and other media outlets – and we had a chance to catch up with them down at Sugar Beach to ask some questions and see how things are going for this lifelong duo on the rise.
We asked about Steelhead Music and their support of the release of It Girl and the guys were quick to shout out the team behind them. Dallas (Smith, you know the guy that sings all of those hits on country radio) and Charlotte (PR pro and all around great person) got special billing, but it’s easy to see that there’s a great support system for this music – and that has to be a great help for the boys.
Back in June we did a little email Q&A with Jason and Tom and they told us they were in the studio finishing the music that has turned into this EP. We asked how it feels to have it out and available to the world.
It’s a cool feeling, we learned. To see all of their hard work in the studio realized with the release of these 6 songs. It’s just the tip of the iceberg, the start of achieving everything they’ve been working for.
We also asked the boys about social media and how important it is to them. They told us that they were responsible for nearly everything that goes public, and that Jason runs that ship. In his words… “It’s fun it’s always changing. I love watching how it evolves for us and for others at the same time. It’s great to get everything that we’re doing out there, for people to share, to like. This past year has been really good to see that grow for us.” They have a great team behind them helping. It helps them stay connected to their fans.
In June we learned that Jason and Tom both played hockey growing up, and they helped us out with our NHL preview post – so we had to ask if they’ve caught any Jets games at the MTS Centre this season. The answer, not yet. But we have a feeling they’ll be able to make that happen before the end of the season.
We also asked about the Blue Jays, and while the brothers told us that they aren’t huge fans (they admitted to being likely to have hockey highlights on during the game) they are excited for Torontonians. AND while we were sitting with them they did buy a pair of tickets to see their first ever Blue Jays game. Yup, ALCS game 5 at the Rogers Centre. Not bad.
Side note: As the Petric boys travel the country playing and writing and recording, it’s still a family affair. Mama Petric handles the hotel room booking while her sons are on the road. And we think that’s pretty cool. Good job mom!
The duo also told us how grateful they are to be able to get up on stage and play their music for fans. They can clearly remember nights when the seats were empty, and those memories help to remind them not to take an audience for granted. Big or small, they’ll play for them all… and we’re pretty sure they’re not going to have to worry about small too much moving forward.
Before we let the boys get on with their day – and to the ballpark, we asked what the 6 songs on It Girl meant to them as artists and performers.
They told us that they are proud of what they’ve been able to accomplish so far as a duo. That it represents a lot of hard work, and this chapter in each of their lives.
And, they hope that everyone has a chance to listen and to enjoy it as much as they enjoyed making it!
Big thanks again to Jason and Tom for hanging out. These guys are awesome.
And if you want to learn more about them, check out these fine online locations…
Facebook: petricmusic
Twitter: @petricmusic
Instagram: @petricmusic
YouTube: Petric Music
iTunes: Petric
Petric: It Girl (Global TV)
Petric: Here Goes Everything
creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.