Watching Sports With Your Girlfriend/Wife – A Short Guide

Just a few minutes ago a friend sent me a text message with an idea for a post. Here’s how the exchange went…

Friend: Why not talk about women and sports?
Friend: The type of women who likes them… And how to include your girlfriend in your viewing experiences at home
Friend: Because I have always wanted to get into it… But my boyfriends never included me.
Me: Idiots… You have dated some real idiots.
Friend: I know right?!

The quick convo got me to thinking about what dudes can do if their girlfriends and wives want to be included. Because if they do want to watch and you don’t make them feel welcome there’s a strong chance that resentment and anger and a real pain in your ass is on the way.

Now, the friend that I was talking to about the subject is also a great hostess and loves to do the game day meals and drinks and all of that good stuff. I’m talking about chili and nachos and fries and beer and EVERYTHING. That makes her the easiest type of woman to invite to watch the game. She’s willing to bring food and drinks and take care of pretty much everything but the remote control while you enjoy all of life’s wonders. If you have this chance gentlemen you are a fool not to take it.

The best way to get that type of girl included and involved in your sports watching traditions is to let it be her idea. Let her be the planner. Let the Type A takeover. In the end it’s all for the best. Do that thing that women do to us all the time and plant the seed and see what happens. The worst case scenario is that you watch the game on the couch alone with beer and pizza, just like you were going to in the first place.

It isn’t always this cut and dry though. There can be downsides to having your female companion accompany you in your viewing time. While she may be very enthusiastic about the opportunity to spend quality time with you or watch the game or just relax there is a possibility that you will be playing teacher. There are some of us that are a lot better at this than others. It can be hard. There’s no debating that at all. It can be a test of patience, love and will-power. But, if you can pull it off. If you can keep your cool and help her out I promise that there is a pot of gold waiting at the end of that rainbow. The questions will gradually become fewer. And as they become fewer they will also become less basic and more interesting. You will be able to explain things in more advanced terms and express your opinions with regards to the situations she’s asking about.

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creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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