Ontario Provincial Election 2011 – Rock The Vote – Create Change – Be Heard!

Onatrio Provincial Election - October 6, 2011

Hey there kids – we’re coming up on a very important time in Ontario civics, the 2011 provincial election!

On Thursday October 6th the people of Ontario will go to the polls with the opportunity to speak and be heard. This is an opportunity to stand and tell the powers that be which direction you want to see our province move forward in.

As I said earlier this year when we approached the federal election – I don’t care who you vote for, I just want you to get informed and vote. Your voice matters, your thoughts matter and your vote can help decide how the next 4 years will play out.

Yesterday (September 24) the Toronto Star was reporting a statistical tie of 35% support between the Liberals and Conservatives in a poll that asked 40,000 Ontarians who they would be voting for. That’s an important number. If those numbers hold it means that your vote will go a long way to deciding what happens at Queens Park.

If you’re looking for more information, if you want to be informed, if you want to know that you are making a decision that you can stand behind please feel free to check out any of these links…

Ontario Provincial Liberals – http://www.ontarioliberal.ca/

Ontario Provincial Conservatives – http://www.ontariopc.com/

Ontario Provincial NDP – http://ontariondp.com/en/

Ontario Provincial Green Party – http://www.gpo.ca/

Elections Ontario – http://www.elections.on.ca/en-ca

So, check it all out – ask the questions that you want to ask – get the answers that you need – and get to your local polling station on October 6th.

Also note that advance polls are open now and will continue to be available until September 30th from 10am to 8pm. If you have made your decision and are ready to vote now – do it!

You can make a difference. You can be heard. You do have a say in what happens in this province.

Voting is awesome!

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creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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