How Do You Re-Kindle Love?

To sit and write used to be one of my favourite things in the world. And then a funny thing happened, I started caring a lot more. Worrying about what I was writing. Wondering if it was good enough, if it spoke to people, if it would be liked… and I stopped writing in the same way.

Now, I believe that some of those concerns have led me to become a better writer, but at the same time the raw passion just isn’t there the way it once was.

I used to fill notebooks with the scribble of blue and black pen. I wrote whenever I had 5 minutes to spare. I wrote lists and poems and song lyrics and short stories and blog posts. I wrote so much that I decided I wanted to try and make a career out of it.

I still do want to make a career out of it.

But I realize that I also need to go back and find that love, joy, smile, happy place that I once had.

Writing this is helping with that. Admitting that there is something missing just might be the best 1st step to take if I want to find it.

I don’t know.

I can tell you that I still get excited about new projects. Writing my first post about sports at was a great thrill and I’m already thinking about what I’ll write about next week and the week after.

I also still get very happy when I can use my writing to point out important and awesome things that other people are doing. Whether it’s been A Gutsy Affair, Quaker Canada’s Unlock Amazing or reminders on how important voting is – I’ve loved writing about it. Even if the numbers are small when the post goes up I know that I’ve said something worth saying.

In the end I don’t think I actually am afraid that I will stop loving to write. It’s a part of me and has been for more of my life than it hasn’t.

The key now is getting back to the joy.

If you have any suggestions please let me know. I’d love to hear how you’ve regained your passion for the written word.

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creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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