Confession: I Have Excitement For Fall

This is going to make some people want to hit me… right in the face.

But so be it man. There are some legitimate things that I’m excited for now that fall is just around the corner.

1) The Walking Dead. I don’t think that really needs an explanation, but just in case… IT’S AWESOME! It’s the best zombie show on basic cable. And even if it’s the only zombie show on basic cable, it would still be the best if there were 50. October 14th can’t get here fast enough!

2) Sleeping Without Sweating Like Crazy. I mean it. I’m sick of waking up dehydrated and hung over when I didn’t have anything to drink. The fan I got this summer is good – but geez louise it’s been a hot summer!

3) New Clothes. I need to go shopping.

4) Football. Yes, that’s right. I know I just started the NFL season countdown (see sidebar) and should shut up already… but I’m excited. Sue me!

Note: Please don’t sue me.

5) Once Upon A Time. Yes, another TV show. About fairytale characters stuck in real life with a curse over them and no way home. Is there a problem with that?

6) Hockey. Maybe? In fact, no. I’m trying not to be excited.

7) I Like It When The Leaves Turn Colours And Fall.

8) Turkey Dinner! I haven’t had a turkey dinner in months and I don’t see one coming until Thanksgiving. So bring it on!

9) The Sound Of Smart People Saying Autumn. It’s such a great word and when smart people say it I imagine them with a pipe and leather elbow patches on their tweed jackets. Men and women.

10) Kids Being Back In School. There I said it. Get ‘em off the streets. They giggle and take up the whole sidewalk and make the mall crowded. Go learn something.

Excited for autumn? Awesome!

Gonna miss summer? Me too.

Wanna hang out? Lemme know!

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creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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