Confession: I Also Have Non-Excitement For Fall
The other day I wrote about being excited for fall.
And while I stand by every one of the points on that list… there are points in the con section that I feel should be pointed out to even out the ledger a little bit.
1) Socks and Shoes. Hate ’em. Especially socks. I’d rather walk around in my canvas shoes or flip-flops.
2) Closing the window. I know it’s not time yet, but soon enough I’m going to have to either close the window or wear a sweater all the time. And while I do love sweaters, no thank you.
3) Baseball ends. It hasn’t been a good year for the Blue Jays and the season will indeed end with the last day of the regular season on October 3rd. Click here for tickets.
4) The Pumpkin Spice Latte. I’ve never tried one. Don’t really have any reason to dislike it. But for some reason I’ve always held a grudge against this Autumn treat from Starbucks.
5) Tom Brady. As excited as I am for the upcoming NFL season, I hate seeing Tom Borady’s face all over my TV screen. Ugh. Put on your Uggs and go away.
6) Darkness. Not The Darkness, I hear that their new record is pretty good. I’m talking about the absence of light. The sun being down more often is a bummer.
7) Soup. I don’t hate soup. I just hate that when it gets popular it’s because everyone is either sick or cold or both. I’d rather have a slushie.
8) The end of summer. It stands to reason that the start of fall means the end of summer. It’s been a pretty great summer though and I’m not sure I really want it to end yet.
9) Beach time is over. There was some good beach time had this summer. But not enough. And now it’s over.
10) Camping too. Great weekend with Rannie and J.Chan… but looks like it’ll be the only one of 2012. (Or will it?)
There you have it… it’s not all streamers and a party for the arrival of autumn. But it’s what’s coming.
Are you ready?
creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.
the one good thing that at least here in Texas we won’t be 100 degrees outside…..
Fair enough! It’s about 90 today in Toronto, not bad for August 31!