, Custom Design & Printing – A Review

Build a Sign Banner LogoNot too long ago I received an email with an offer to review a website called and after checking it out and asking for some more info, I decided to go for it. The marketing team at BuildASign were kind enough to offer me a list of options to design, have printed and shipped to me from their catalogue.

I ended up placing an order for business cards, fridge magnets and more business cards from a long list of products that also includes: banners, custom signs, bumper stickers, decals, flyers, car magnets and more.

The fun of came in 2 parts for me. The 1st was in the design and decision making process. Finding the background image I wanted, picking a font, creating my copy, sizing and reviewing and changing and reviewing again and spellchecking and then finalizing. I did this 3 times and now have my personal business cards, Movember fridge magnets and #xocoffee cards to hand out to colleagues, friends, family and strangers.

My order was shipped to me from Texas by UPS and arrived in one tidy box. I wasn’t particularly impressed that UPS left the box in my building lobby in the middle of the work day without even trying to buzz my apartment to see if I was home, but I don’t hold that against BuildASign. In fact, my order arrived 7 days earlier than it was first scheduled too, so good on them for speedy printing and shipping out.

The cards themselves are exactly what I expected. Zero quality was lost in the printing process, the card stock is adequate and I have them in my hand, ready to give out. The magnets (2″x3.5″) look great, are a good size and stick to the fridge. However, they are largely decorative, I don’t recommend using them to hold things up.

Overall: The banner maker, sign maker and business card maker applications were all easy to use and even fun when I was playing with them, knowing I was going to get something at the end of the process. The pricing seems very reasonable to me with 250 business cards coming in at $13.99 and shipping to Canada on a $50 costing less than $9.

I feel comfortable saying that I will probably place a 2nd order when I run out of cards or it’s time to get something else made.

Perhaps a Movember banner.

Thanks again to the team at for reaching out, it was fun all the way around – and now I’ve got cards!

Note: In case it wasn’t clear earlier, I was given the cards and magnets for free from BuildASign, but I did pay for shipping to Canada as their current promo only covers 1st time shipping in the US.Happy Movember Magnet -
#xocoffee card -
Joshua Murray Business Card -

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creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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