Boots & Hearts 2015 Emerging Artist Showcase Preview: Johnson Crook

Johnson Crook 3

Earlier this week we had a chance to meet up with the boys from Johnson Crook to talk about their band, their music, and their spot in the top 8 of the Boots & Hearts Emerging Artist Showcase competition.

Many thanks to Noel, Nathan, Jared, and Trevor for taking the time after soundcheck at The Gladstone Hotel to chat for a bit out on Queen Street West, and for being cool while we did it. This was a really comfortable interview with 4 guys who clearly like hanging out together and making music.

Johnson Crook outside-3477We also stuck around to watch the boys play their set, and it was a lot of fun. In a small room, on a small stage they gave it all they had in the electric version of what they do. If you see their name on a sign out front of a bar this summer, we’d recommend that you stop in for some 4 part harmony country music of the roots and traditional variety.

We wish them luck in at Boots & Hearts this August.

Here we go…

Q. Your bio says that the goal wasn’t to make country music when you all came together. Do you feel like country is where you’re going to stay, or are you on a “see where the music takes us” path?

A. The boys told us that it wasn’t planned, but right now they don’t see any change coming. They’re all happy with the music that’s coming out of them as a band, and as long as it keeps feeling good, they’ll keep doing it.

Q. You guys list Ryan Adams, Bruce Springsteen and Elliott Brood as influences, is there anyone else from the country world that you’ve found yourself listening to and drawing influence from in the last year or so?

Johnson Crook indoor The Gladstone-3480A. We got a variety of names thrown at us when we asked this one. From Zac Brown Band to Hank Williams, Patsy Cline, and some old Grand Ole Opry records from the 50s and 60s, these guys are embracing the roots country world. We were also told that we should be checking out Jason Isbell’s solo project. And we will.

Q. So far we’ve had a solo male act (Tebey), solo female act (Trinity Bradshaw), and a brother/sister duo (The Reklaws) as winners in the Emerging Artists Showcase, how great would it be to be the first band to win at Boots & Hearts?

A. Noel, Nathan, Jared, and Trevor all acknowledge that it would be really cool to buck the trend and win as a band. They also told us that it’s a little intimidating coming in not exactly knowing what the judges are looking for, so all they can do is get out on stage and put on the best performance they can that day.

Q. If you could try to put your finger on one thing that makes this band special, Johnson Crook’s “it” factor, what do you think it is?

Johnson Crook indoor The Gladstone drummer-3525A. During our chat words like songwriting, chemistry, and harmonies came up more than once. So when we got to this question we all kind of agreed that we already knew the answer.

These guys came together without a plan, but maybe that’s why it works so well. They aren’t forced to be here. There’s no expectation from management who have put them together. They’re just into it because it’s working and they’re enjoying themselves.

Q. The Boots & Hearts lineup is stacked with awesome acts this year, can you give us a Top 3 that you’re most excited for?

A. Without naming names in the band, we’ll tell you that the 1st 3 Boots & Hearts artists that came up were…

Brad Paisley (his guitars are a big reason the guys are excited for this one)
Lennon & Maisy (we’d talked about the girls and their mom and dad, The Stellas earlier)
Florida Georgia Line (the stage show should be something special to see in front of the big crowd at Burl’s Creek)

Johnson Crook indoor The Gladstone-3517Thanks again to the boys for taking the time to chat. Check them out on the Boots & Hearts website, and if you dig what you see you can vote to give Johnson Crook a better time slot in the Emerging Artist Showcase this August.

Boots & Hearts Emerging Artist Link:

Find Johnson Crook online at these fine locations…

Facebook: JohnsonCrookBand
Twitter: @johnsoncrook
Instagram: @johnsoncrook
YouTube: Johnson Crook

Johnson Crook outside-3477

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creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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