Dallas Smith with Cold Creek County at the CNE 2015
On Sunday the boys from Cold Creek County showed up to sing to us about Our Town and Beer Weather and beer weather it certainly was. Now I don’t know if we broke a temperature record yesterday, boy it was a hot one, but by the time it was over… we’d broken the attendance record at the CNE! Country music IS alive and well in the city of Toronto.Fun, talented, energetic and entertaining as hell! I’m looking forward to the release of Cold Creek County’s debut album Till The Wheels Come Off. You can get the single now and full album pre-order on iTunes, Spotify and Google Play. Did I say they were fun? They were really fun!
We’ve got more photos at the bottom of the post! You can find Cold Creek County online at these fine locations…
Website: coldcreekcounty.com
Facebook: ColdCreekCounty
Twitter: @coldcreekcounty
Instagram: coldcreekcounty
YouTube: Cold Creek County
Spotify: Cold Creek County
It was a beautiful night, hot and steamy. The crowd continued to increase in size and by the time Dallas Smith hit the stage they were packed in and ready go. He started off with a little Slow Rollin’ from the Lifted album, and we were all singing right along.
We jumped back and forth between Lifted, Jumped Right In, Tippin’ Point albums with our favourite Default song thrown in, because he’s knows we really want to hear it. Funny thing, Wasting My Time sounds just a little bit different these days, there’s a country feel to it, I’m a fan of the change. I remember listening to an interview on the radio just as the first album was hitting and Dallas was telling a story about how hard he had to work to make it sound country. Well Dallas, you’ve mastered it.
We did have a little interruption during the show, but I don’t think anyone minded. I’m not sure how a person pulls this off but… we were treated to a proposal on stage and she said yes! Dallas followed it up with Girl Like You. This man has set the bar pretty high.
Dallas has new album coming out and you can get it Friday September 11th on iTunes, but we’ve got a live version for you!
See more pictures below! You can find Dallas online at these fine locations…
Website: dallasmithmusic.com
Facebook: DallasSmithMusic
Twitter: @dallassmith
Instagram: @dallassmithmusic
YouTube: DallasSmithVEVO
iTunes: DallasSmith
More photos of Dallas Smith
More photos of Cold Creek County
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