Movember Challenge Karaoke Toronto – Year 6! #MoChaKaTO

It’s that time of year again – moustaches are sprouting on Mo Bros all over the place, and Mo Sistas are joining the campaign to help raise funds and awareness to support men’s health initiatives.

MoChaKaTO 2012 CrowdHere in Toronto I’ve been lucky enough to have a team of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas for the last 6 years, and together we’ve raised some money, grown our ‘staches, and had some fun along the way. That fun always includes our team’s fundraiser, Movember Challenge Karaoke.

In years 1 through 5 we’ve had some great success, raising a total of $7,526 – and this year we’re looking to add a big number to that total.

The 6th annual #MoChaKaTO goes down on Thursday, November 19th at the Marquis of Granby (418 Church St. Toronto) and we can’t wait to see as many friends, and newcomers as possibly can fit in the bar.

This is year 6, but in case it’s new to you, let’s check out how it works.

#MoChaKaTO Rules

? For $5, you get your name in the rotation to be able to sing
? For $20, someone else gets up for their turn, you can challenge them and make them sing whatever you want
? For $30, you can buy yourself out if you get challenged (just in case the challenge is too horrific for you, or you’re a big ol’ chicken!)
? For $50, you can sing a song off the host’s list of banned songs (Don’t Stop Believin’, Paradise By The Dashboard Light, Clay Aiken, etc.)
? For $100, you can sing a song by Celine Dion.

MoChaKaTO 2013 Man of MovemberNote: Every year we’ve had at least 1 Celine Dion performance, and in the last few years we’ve had more than 1. We’re hoping to see that trend continue this year!

On top of all of that fun we also have a raffle that is full of awesome prizes this year. Check it out…

? Toronto Raptors tickets
? Toronto Marlies tickets
? Toronto Blue Jays jersey
? Crown Royal hockey bag
? Guest List access to multiple Toronto concerts
? Autographed Ed Sheeran CD
Steam Whistle Brewery tour passes
? Coffee and Gift Certificates from Dineen Coffee Co.
? Gift Certificates from Mazz Salon
? 1 year Jumper Cards for Jason Rolland’s karaoke shows
and more…

We love this event – we love the people who continue to come and support this event – and we’re really looking forward to Thursday, November 19th.

If you can make it, awesome!

If you can’t make it this year please feel free to make a donation to our Tilt Campaign that will make our host, Jason Rolland, sing a Celine Dion song for all the world to see.

Happy Movember to you all!

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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