Boots & Hearts 2016 Photo Review: James Barker Band
One year ago the James Barker Band played on the Boots & Hearts main stage on their way to winning the SiriusXM Emerging Artist Showcase. This summer the boys were back on the main stage as part of a very big, very busy summer.
If you listen to Canadian country radio you’ve heard Lawn Chair Lazy by now. Hell, if you listen to Canadian country radio there’s a strong chance you know enough words to the song to sing along. And the proof to that came in the Sunday afternoon sun, when a very good early day crowd gladly sang back at the boys loud and proud and with all kinds of energy.
The band also played through some new music that the crowd danced and grooved to – and before long we’re sure they’ll be singing along to those ones too – we can’t wait to hear a full release!
Also, click her to check out the James Barker Band as August’s CMAO Artist of the Month!