5 Quick Questions with Jason Benoit!

We caught up with Newfoundland’s Jason Benoit during Canadian Country Music Week in London, ON and had the chance to sit down with the All Wanna Party singer to play through 5 quick questions.
Jason has been putting in work on the country music scene, and we know there’s a lot more coming to add to what we’ve seen and heard in the last couple of years. And we’re looking forward to all of it.
Learn a little more about Jason Benoit and check out photos from our sit down and from his performance at Boots & Hearts 2016.
Q1: If you were on a long drive and could only listen to 1 album on repeat, what would you choose?
Jason: The Eagles, Greatest Hits
I love The Eagles, and am currently hunting for old vinyl to add to our collection – so I have no argument with Jason wanting to sing along to songs like Take It Easy, Lyin’ Eyes, and Take It To The Limit on a long drive.
Q2: What is the first song you remember knowing all of the words to so you could sing along?
Jason: Chattahoochee, by Alan Jackson
This is a solid answer. It’s fast, fun, and about as classic as 90s country gets. Grab your ripped jeans and water skis!
Q3: When you’re not working on music, what is your favourite down-time hobby?
Jason: Carpentry and working with reclaimed wood.
Jason is a hands on kinda guy, so when he has the time he likes to dig into a project at home and make something. I wonder if I should tell him that I need some pieces for the condo?
Q4: What is the most important thing for you to have when you walk into a songwriting session?
Jason: A guitar.
Makes sense to us. I mean, if you’re going to write a country song and it’s going to be guitar driven, you’d be in good shape to start there.
Q5: Which artist do you think we should be paying more attention to right now than we probably are?
Jason: Chris Thile.
Thile is a hell of a musician, and Jason is right, we probably don’t pay enough attention to him. Check him out on the mandolin with Nickel Creek, and as the new host of U.S. radio program, A Prairie Home Companion.
creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.