Young Offenders: Constantines at WayHome 2017

WayHome 2017 - Constantines

It’s been a while since we’ve had a new Constantines album, and to be honest we were thrilled that they were included in this year’s WayHome lineup.  And based on the WayHome crowd’s response, we were not alone.

Checking out their social media accounts it’s hard to get a feel for what’s going on but watching the band up on stage, there’s little doubt that the guys still have that “thing” that we fell in love with.

We could talk about nostalgia but instead, we’re going to talk about great energy levels, strong vocals and technically tight musicianship. Constantines took the WayBright stage on Friday at 6:30 PM and the crowd continued to build throughout the set. Fans gathered up near the stage and littered the lawn. They sang along and danced to some fan favourites including Arizona, Shower of Stones and Young Offenders.

We got a full out rock and roll smoke show, complete with overhead guitar playing and intensity and we loved it. The guys all looked pretty happy and comfortable up there. We can only hope that this means there’s new music coming.

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Toronto Music Blogger

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