Indie Week Canada 2018, Artist Announcement #1
Indie Week Canada is getting ready to be big in 2018 when hundreds of artists come to Toronto between November 6 and 11.
Every year we love the opportunity to see new music and find new favourites before their names are on the marquees in the big, bright lights. Across all genres there are talented performers playing all over the city, working hard to show everyone what they’ve got to offer.
2018 will be no different. And if this first round of artists is any indication, it’s going to be a really great week of music.
In total there are 153 artists in the announcement, ready, willing and able to plug in and play. 107 of those artists are Canadian, giving homegrown talent a chance to shine at Indie Week 2018. And while we may only be familiar with a few of the names on the list right now, we’re sure that it won’t be long until we know a whole lot more of them!
Check out the full list and leave a comment telling us if you know any of these artists or have recommendations for us…
Indie Week Canada 2018 Artists – Round One
creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.
Big fan of Wooly, I can’t wait for others to discover this band. Moscow Apartment is another band to see.