5 Quick Questions with The Penske File: Pouzza Fest 2019 Preview
Pouzza Fest starts on May 17th and to help you learn more about The Penske File, we asked Travis Miles 5 Quick Questions, Pouzza Fest Version.
First, let me tell you that The Penske File is Travis Miles on guitar, vocals, and harmonica, Alex Standen on drums and vocals, and James Hall on bass and vocals. They’re a three-piece band out of Burlington, ON who are currently on Stomp Records’ roster.
If catchy guitars and great songwriting is your thing, The Penske File is a band for you. These guys take to the Foufounes Électriques stage on Sunday at 11:00 PM.
Thanks to Travis for taking time to answer our questions while they’re out on tour.
Q1) If you’re in the car on a long drive between shows, what is the one album you can listen to on repeat?
Travis) Anything by The Hold Steady.
Q2) Do you have any pre-show rituals?
Travis) Maybe a couple drinks, tuning instruments, pacing, warming up. Nothing abnormal or especially ritualistic.
Q3) What can fans expect from a live performance?
Travis) We’re very passionate about our songs and love to share in a escape with anyone else who is passionate about our songs. At best, it’s cathartic and fun.
Q4) Is there a band or artist you think people should be paying more attention to?
Travis) There is so much amazing music in this scene and this world and it’s all so dang accessible. If I were to name one artist or group I fear I’d never be able to stop the list.
Q5) What’s your favourite thing about Pouzza Fest?
Travis) Getting to exist within an inclusive punk rock utopia for a few days, being surrounded by friends from all around the world, and just the general love for music and each other that seems to emulate from mostly everyone involved in and attending this special fest.
Toronto Music Blogger