The Killers Top 10 – Ottawa Bluesfest 2019 Preview!

As one of the most successful and recognizable rock bands of the last nearly two decades, The Killers have been everywhere and done just about everything. And now, the Las Vegas rockers are headed to Ottawa Bluesfest to headline the City Stage on Sunday, July 7.
With frontman Brandon Flowers leading the way, we know that the band is going to get the crowd going, have them singing along, and cheering as loud as they can for their favourite songs from the killer library of songs they’ve put together. In fact, we’ve had the chance to see them do exactly that in the past, when The Killers headlined at WayHome, and opened the damn show with Mr. Brightside, blowing all of us away!
To get you ready for your Bluesest + The Killers experience, we’ve got a Top 10 list for you to play loud and enjoy.
Hit play on your favourites, and leave a comment to tell us if we left off one of your Top 10 songs from The Killers.
The Killers Top 10
All These Things That I’ve Done
Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll
Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine
Mr. Brightside
Read My Mind
Somebody Told Me
The Man
When You Were Young
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