Jade Eagleson Hits #1 for the 1st Time with Lucky

Sometimes you have to be good to be lucky, sometimes you have to be lucky to be good. For Jade Eagleson, luck had nothing to do with his climb to the top of the charts for the first time in his career with Lucky.
About six weeks ago we caught up with Jade Eagleson on the phone to talk about music and being a dad and getting ready to go on tour in 2020. We know now that a lot of things are up in the air for Jade and other artists – but music hasn’t stopped playing, and Lucky hasn’t stopped climbing.
Near the end of that call, I asked Jade if there was a message he wanted me to share with readers. He laughed and said he hadn’t had a #1 yet, and that would be a cool thing to achieve in his career. And now here we are, with Lucky at the top the Canadian country radio charts and Jade Eagleson at the top of the mountain for the first time in his career.
Jade’s #1 comes directly on the heels of Jess Moskaluke hitting #1 for the first with Country Girls last week (March 9, 2020) giving fans back-to-back Canadian country music success stories to celebrate.
This isn’t to say of course that Jade Eagleson hasn’t had any success in his career so far. He won the Boots & Hearts Emerging Artist Showcase, his debut single Got Your Name On It was a smash that introduced him to fans all over the country, and won the Rising Star award from both the Country Music Association of Ontario and the Canadian Country Music Association in 2019.
But #1 is special. And the first time getting to #1 is extra special. Here he is, and we can’t wait to see what’s next.
Congratulations to Jade Eagleson, this #1 had your name on it.
While you’re here, hit play on the video for the round of 5 Quick Questions we played with Jade back in January. Enjoy!
creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.