The Royal Foundry 5 Quick Questions [okay? video and NAC Live Stream]

The Royal Foundry 5 Quick Questions okay? video and NAC Live Stream feature photo image

We last caught up with Edmonton-based band, The Royal Foundry in September when they released their album, Wake Up Wake Up. This time around we’re doing a written 5 Quick Questions with the band because they’ve got a new video release, track three, okay?, from Wake Up Wake Up, and some very cool news for you.

We’re going to jump right in, and let them tell you everything!

okay? Video

5 Quick Questions with The Royal Foundry

Q1: How are you coping with the situation?

A1: We are doing good! I mean, we are fine now, but once summer comes around I can imagine how sucky it will be to not play festivals and attend cool outdoor gatherings. I think once everyone experiences that, I am sure we will be itching for next summer. We try not to think too deeply about the ripple effect this will cause not only for this summer but the fall and onwards. Luckily, we live and work and breathe together 24/7 already, so this has been a normal quarantine together. We are taking this time to work on new music and pursue weird music idea’s that we have kept putting off. It has been nice to just songwriter for the love of it, not the means. And because everyone is safe at home, there is this cool ‘we’re all in this together’ mentality that is really encouraging.

Q2: Talk to us about your new video “okay?”, any why you felt it was the perfect time to release that song.

A2: Honestly, our original plan was to release this song back in February. But other things came up and it just didn’t feel right. Then, a couple weeks ago, we got the finished music video and things started to fall in place in prep for the release. It completely makes sense since the song is a mantra about things turning out okay? Even the question mark in the title gives into the shaky unknown outcome but an inevitable truth remains: It’s going to be okay. I think we can all relate to this during this time.

Q3: How did you end up working with Hudson Munshaw?

A3: We met Hudson years ago in Calgary, when he was still in High School. He was involved in a musical project that I helped with. He is an amazing drummer and all around musician (just oozes creativity from head to toe). Then as life happens, we lost touch for a few years. This past summer, as luck would have it, I saw a personal art project that he was doing and the styling of that was so cool and unique that I reached out to him to learn more about it. That lead to collaborating with him on this music video and graphic novel project with our new single, okay?. We’ve been working on it for about 6 months and we’ve poured in a lot of work and creativity. We are so excited for the release and the follow up graphic novel that accompanies it…!!!(Keep your eyes peeled!!)

Q4: With the current situation, it seems like touring will be out of the question. Do you have alternate plans to get your music to fans?

A4: Of course! We are rolling with the times and doing what we can amidst the change we are all facing. I think this is a great time for all creatives to create digital content and start to learn more about art online. We are going to continue to stay present, as much as healthy for us, online and do what brings us joy. Live streams, although will never replace playing in real life, will scratch the itch we are all getting. But more than that, we are excited to take this time and create in our little isolated holes, and invite our fans into that process. We are really leaning in to what has become our personal mantra as of late; ‘it’s going to be okay?’

Q5: Tell us about the upcoming NAC Live Stream #CanadaPerforms, live from your beds!

A5: This will be our first live stream concert we’ve ever done inspired by the infamous Bed-in of John Lennon and Yoko Ono for Peace. We are a bit nervous, but excited to play! Although we are primarily an alt-rock band with a bit of pop nuances, not being able to have our full band and sound will be missed but to dive into the core of our songs acoustically is always a fun alternative to go back to and explore. So with that, I hope you will tune into our Facebook/Instagram Live concert on Thursday, May 7th, at 4pm MST/6pm EST. Thanks for having us!


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Toronto Music Blogger

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