Olivia Lunny, Q&A, 5 Quick Questions and To The Ones I Loved Listen!

Olivia Lunny To The Ones I Loved EP Feature 1

Manitoba-native Olivia Lunny has been a busy women since she burst onto the national scene in early 2019, and now she’s here with a brand new EP, To The Ones I Loved and fresh songs for Canadian pop fans.

The four-song release includes the new single Something New along with Bedsheets, Hold On, and Think Of Me. It’s a short listen at just 12 minutes, but if this is the first look at what we can expect from Olivia Lunny as she moves forward in her burgeoning career, we’re here for it.

Olivia Lunny – Something New

To celebrate the release of To The Ones I Loved and learn a little bit more about Olivia and what she’s got going on, we caught up for a Q&A. Check out our questions and her answers below to find out which song on the EP is her favourite, what activities she’s picked up in COVID-19 quarantine and more.

Olivia Lunny Q&A

Q) How does it feel to have your EP ready and available for fans to listen to as a complete package?

Olivia) It feels so amazing to finally have this project in the world! I sat with it for over 8 months and built a relationship with each of the songs so I hope others can now do the same!

Q) How has the reception for Bedsheets and Hold Me been so far as you’ve prepared for the To The Ones I Loved EP?

Olivia) I’ve been overwhelmed in the best way with all of the support so far on these 2 songs! Bedsheets in particular is resonating with a lot of people and that warms my heart to hear. Bedsheets is also my fav track off of the EP fun fact 🙂

Q) We got to meet you after The Launch, what has changed the most for your career from then to now? (how you make music, opportunity, etc.)

Olivia) Overall the best way to describe the changes in my career is to say it’s been elevated. I’m still doing the things I did before the show (writing, performing, collaborating) just at a different level and with more established artists which is very humbling and inspiring!

Q) We know that the pandemic has changed everything about making music and the plans around releases – how has it been for you and your team working through everything and getting the EP ready and keeping fans engaged?

Olivia) This pandemic threw a curve ball at all of us I think. My team and I have been able to adapt however, and still get music out into the world which I am very grateful for. Social Media has been an incredible tool to help maintain a relationship with my audience!

Q) Do you have any plans or ideas for things in the near future to keep yourself moving forward and engaging your fans with your new music?

Olivia) Hoping to put together some more virtual shows… stay tuned!!

Q) Last one for a little something extra, can you tell us all something that we wouldn’t find on your social channels or in a Google search. (example: a hidden talent)

Olivia) I recently got very into meditation and yoga! Although Covid has forced us all into isolation, It’s been a great time to reflect and pick up new hobbies!

Before we get to the last piece of the puzzle, we need to point out that this isn’t the first time Olivia has done a round of 5 Quick Questions with us. When we first met her on her press day for The Launch, she sat with us for a Q&A and round of 5 Quick Questions and more in Toronto. So, this time we put a twist on things to ask her some new questions in a special Festival Season edition!

Related: I Got You – Introducing Olivia Lunny from CTV’s The Launch

Now, hit play on the video to find out which band Olivia would wait for all day, what she’s got to bring with her to a music festival and more!

5 Quick Questions with Olivia Lunny – Festival Season Edition!

Thanks again to Olivia for taking the time for 5 Quick Questions! Now, check out the tracklist for the To The Ones I Loved EP and hit play on the stream to give it a listen!

Olivia Lunny, To The Ones I Loved tracklist

1. Think of Me
2. Something New
3. Hold Me
4. Bedhseets

Olivia Lunny To The Ones I Loved EP art


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creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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