The Importance of Music in Enhancing the Learning Process
Education is defined as a process of receiving systematic instruction on various subjects to provide you with the skills and knowledge required to take advantage of opportunities that are likely to improve your quality of life in the future. Education has long been considered the key to success and rightly so, especially regarding the growth and development of various communities worldwide. Education provides you with knowledge of the world around you and provides you with the tools to use this information to your advantage.
However, this is not a sentiment shared by most students, as they often view education as a burden they have to overcome. This view of education as a burden is usually because of the mounting pressure to succeed in a program that is perceived as a gateway for success, i.e., engineering, medicine, among many others. However, with recent studies, there has been an increase in the various types of courses students can pursue. Therefore, more students can choose an area of specialization they are interested in.
Among the courses that are gaining popularity is music education. As the name suggests, music education is a program that is associate with providing students with knowledge and skills for use in the field of music. The growing popularity of incorporating music in schools is in part because it is an essential part of human behaviour and culture. Almost everyone enjoys music, whether they are singing, listening, playing an instrument, or any other form.
Research has shown that music is enjoyable and can improve the students’ quality of learning. For instance, music can help you relax and improve your cognitive capacity, resulting in better grades in other subjects. As an added advantage, you will no longer have to spend a lot of money asking online experts, “Who can write my essay today?” This article aims to highlight a few more reasons why music education is essential in schools today.
6 Benefits of Music Education for Students
Music is arguably a life-enriching aspect of our lives. Music is a universal language that triggers creativity, innovation, emotional responses, among other human traits. These and many more benefits can be enjoyed by more people with the inclusion of music as an academic subject. Below are some far-reaching benefits of music you should know about. They include:
1• An improved language processing capability
There has been a long-standing relationship between music and language. Learning music helps train certain areas of your brain to comprehend language better. For instance, when learning a second language, music can play an essential role in providing examples of how certain words are pronounced or how they fit into a sentence.
2• Helps develop social skills
Besides promoting teamwork among students, music also provides you with a unique opportunity to meet and create lasting relationships with various people. Music is known to bring people from diverse backgrounds together and thus a great avenue to socialize.
3• Better cognitive ability and memory retention capacity
When learning music, you will likely take an interest in playing a specific instrument. Such activities increase the use of your mind and thus improve your cognitive ability.
4• Music inspires creativity
Music is arguably among the few subjects where students are expected to utilize their creativity fully. For instance, you can create music that should be informative, engaging, flowing, and imaginative. Such activities are likely to spark your creativity, a skill that is equally useful in other aspects of learning.
5• Improves your hand-eye coordination
Learning to play a musical instrument is no easy feat. It takes a considerable amount of time and effort to master an instrument fully. As such, you will realize that your hand-eye coordination significantly improves. This is a skill that is not only applicable to music but other subjects as well.
6• Relieves stress and help you relax
Going to school is an essential part of everyone’s life. However, it does not come without its challenges. Research has shown that music can help relieve stress primarily because of its ability to affect the release of alpha brain waves in our bodies. These alpha brainwaves are common in our bodies when we are relaxed.
These are just some of the benefits of learning music in school. These benefits have proven useful in learning about music and other academic programs; therefore, we should embrace the introduction of creative arts such as music into the curriculum. I believe these are enough reasons to get teachers to introduce and support music education in their respective institutions.