The Chicks Top 10 – by the Numbers

The Chicks are timeless and also era-defining. They burst onto the scene but weren’t an overnight success. They changed their name but never lost their way. The Chicks are then and now and always and anywhere there’s a wide open space or a starry sky or mattress dancing. That’s right, I said mattress dancing.
To celebrate just how much we love Emily and Martie and Natalie, we’ve gone ahead and crunched the numbers to find their Top 10 list as decided by spins. I have my favourites, you have your favourites, but when we measure by plays from everyone, things get a little more clear, or at least easier to sort.
Note: A big high five goes out to Rob Harvilla and 60 Songs That Explain The 90s for featuring Goodbye Earl and talking about some amazing women in country in the 90s on a recent episode.
As always, we started with Spotify and the ‘Popular’ list, marked down the streaming numbers – and then we went to YouTube.
On YouTube we collected streaming numbers for official videos, but not remixes or live performances. Same as always.
After we got all of the numbers (and listened to some music), we did the math, did the sorting, and ended up with the Top 10 list of The Chicks songs, by the streaming numbers – no opinions included!
Now, scroll through the list, hit play on your favourites (don’t miss #5 if you’re looking for my recommendation) and think back to all the times The Chicks made you sing or dance or smile or cry. And then, leave a comment telling us which of these songs you love best, or which songs are in your personal Top 10.
The Chicks Top 10
10. Ready To Run
9. Gaslighter
8. You Were Mine
7. There’s Your Trouble
6. Goodbye Earl
5. Travelin’ Soldier
4. Not Ready To Make Nice
3. Wide Open Spaces
2. Cowboy Take Me Away
1. Landslide
*feature image via Facebook. Edited.
creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.