My 2011 Un-Resolutions

I’m not generally one for resolutions because they don’t usually pan out the way I had planned… and then I feel bad about it and then I feel bad about myself.

So eff that.

Instead, there are some things that I’d like to try to do as much as possible in 2011.  There are going to be times that it isn’t easy or that I fail, but the key will be to get back on the horse and move forward.

1/ Look for silver linings.  Over the holidays a friend told me that they wanted me to have a better 2011 to make up for a 2010 that was pretty shitty at times.  What I was able to tell her though is that 2010 had some pretty awesome silver linings.  I met a lot of really cool people this year.  I was able to reconnect with some people that I had let down in the past.  I got a new job that I dig on a daily basis.  So when I look back at 2010 that’s what I want to take from it.

2/ Stop being so hard on myself.  I blame myself a lot.  I tend to take all of the blame when there are multiple parties involved in an attempt to protect them.  But what ends up happening is that I just take all of the weight on and have more to try and deal with.  It’s not a good thing.  It’s really friggin’ hard.  So I’m going to try not to do that anymore.

3/ Expand my reach.  I’m not trying to get famous.  But I as a writer and a young professional I do want to spread my name and work and try to get some of my thoughts out to the world.  I have a few projects that have been started and could be finished.  I have some projects that are nothing more than notes that need to be started.  There are people out there waiting to find out how awesome I am.  My job now is to put it all together.

4/ Meet more cool people.  2010 really was great for meeting people.  I was able to get to know folks in all walks of professional and recreational life.  We bonded over sports, karaoke, scrabble, dance parties and more.  And if I am lucky enough to meet half as many new people this year that turn out to be that cool I will be a blessed man.

5/ Keep being awesome.  Anyone who knows me also knows that I really am a pretty modest dude when called out on my bullshit.  But I think that I can be pretty awesome most of the time so I want to keep that up.  All of the promises that I made myself a long time ago are still on the agenda, the 4 things I’ve written here are now on the books and I’m sure other things will be added along the way.  Through it all I would love to be able to stay pretty much just the way I am.  A friend wrote a piece a while ago that did a great job of reminding me that I should do just that.

So there are my 5 un-resolutions for 2011.  I like them.  Wish me luck.

Happy New Year.

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creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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