Dear Commenter…

Today is a landmark day for me as a blogger. I’ve received my very first derogatory/ inflammatory/ uncalled for/ slur comment on the blog. I have no idea what brought it on. I have no idea who the commenter is (other than having his Twitter handle, blog address and Facebook profile) and am still wondering what I should actually feel about it.

My gut feeling is to just let it go. That’s the kind of person that I generally am. I’m a turn the other cheek guy. I’m a big picture, is this going to affect me moving forward or not, kind of guy. And the answer to that question with regards to this comment is most definitely no. However, the Commenter pushed a button whether he meant to or not.

You see – there are a few things that people can say or do that make me upset right away. I can’t help myself, I don’t want to. I want them to know that it’s unacceptable and unnecessary and won’t be stood for. 1 of those things is using the word Fag as a slur.

I’m lucky enough to have friends in the gay community all over the place. I very much mean that when I say lucky. These friends are some of the most loyal, caring and awesome people I know. It has absolutely nothing to do with their sexual orientation. They are my friends. It doesn’t matter who they fuck. And it really, really bothers me when someone decides that they are going to try to take shots at another person and try to bring them down by calling them gay. That means that there’s something wrong with being gay.

Guess what – THERE ISN’T!

As a straight dude who has stopped giving a shit what people think about his sexual identity (for the most part) I don’t see the point in bashing anyone for who they are and who they love. Fuck that. Grow up.

I got pretty upset when I got the email to my blackberry this morning telling me that the comment was waiting for me. I thought a lot about deleting the comment right away. Or sending it to spam. Or sending a really nasty email to the Commenter. But then I thought about it some more.

I started wondering things like:

  • Did the Commenter forget to put a question mark at the end of his comment?
  • Do I have an admirer that I’m only just learning about?
  • Is this American University (Washington DC) student/ Aspiring Rapper/ Smithfield, Rhode Island native sweet on me?
  • OR Is he really just a giant douche who is trying to be tough on the internet because he found a post wherein I talked about personal feelings, making mistakes and moving on in my life?

Side note: The post is titled “May the Bridges I Burn Light The Way…” it’s a reference to a Beverly Hills 90210 quote by Dylan McKay (Luke Perry) and it does very well in search engines.

Side note II: That means that the Commenter found my blog (admittedly) by searching for 90210 quotes at 2:55am on a Thursday night.

To be honest with you I’m a little ashamed that the young Commenter has been able to get under my skin this much.

But deep down I know it’s because this isn’t the first time and it probably won’t be the last that some asshole says something that I’m worried will offend someone that I care about. However, it is the time that has made me stand up and fight back. And I’ll do it again if I have to.

I’m not asking for everyone to start a hate campaign against this kid. Although I did consider it for a little while this morning. I don’t want to fight fire with fire. I don’t need the burns that will come with it.

Maybe though, we can turn this street hardened Rhode Island boy into a kinder, gentler aspiring rapper.

If you would like to contact the Commenter and tell him that you love him, or God loves him, or that the gays love him, or that God loves the gays, or that everyone should just love everyone – you can leave a comment either on this piece or at “May the Bridges I Burn Light The Way…”.

I want to be clear here – I’m not happy with the Commenter – but I don’t hate him.

And Commenter, best of luck in your studies and rapping career. I hope that you find all the success that your attitude deserves.

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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