Football and Food – NFL Week 3

This morning I got to work and the first thing I was asked was “why did you cut your hair?” and the 2nd question was “what did you wrap in bacon this week?”The answer to the 1st question is: because it was time.

The answer to the 2nd question is: nothing.

Side note: While I may not have wrapped anything in bacon I did get a message from Rannie asking how long it took to cook bacon wrapped dates in the oven.

However, that doesn’t mean that there wasn’t food to go with week 3’s NFL schedule. There most certainly was.

Lunch was easy this Sunday. I threw some jalapeno poppers in the over with a thick slice of red onion and let the 400 degree heat do the work. While things were cooking I sliced myself some medium cheddar cheese and opened a bag of sweet chili thai potato chips.

Jalapeno Poppers for Lunch!

When the cooking was done I sat down with what was left of my coffee from The Abbott and enjoyed my finger food while I watched the Patriots vs Bills & Eagles vs Giants.

Side note: I picked both of those games wrong!

While I was eating I decided that I needed a little more smooth and a little less heat so I grabbed the sour cream out of the fridge and dipped poppers and chips in the container while I enjoyed.

At dinner I made something that I’d been craving for days – a grilled cheese sandwich!

That’s not all though. I had also picked up some side cut pork at the grocery store earlier in the week so I had that in the oven with some salt and pepper and let it get nice and cooked before I started buttering bread and slicing some more of that medium cheddar.

Grilled Cheese for Dinner!

Because the side cut pork is thicker than bacon I decided not to put it on the sandwiches and had it on the side instead. They were nice flavours to have together.

So there you have it – NFL week 3’s menu. Simple but tasty. I hope that you all ate well too. I’m looking forward to next week already!

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creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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