I Turned 30 – My Friends Are Awesome! [the lots of pictures edition]

So yesterday I turned 30.

I survived and I had a great time with some amazing friends at the Hard Luck singing karaoke and drinking tall boys of PBR for $5. I was also lucky enough to have a great to have some of those same (SUPER)friends join Trish and I at my mom’s place over the weekend for skating and board games and Wii and drinks and bbq and etc.

First I want to thank everyone who came out to karaoke. It was awesome to hear so much country music in 1 rotation at one of Jason Rolland’s shows.

It was a great night, totally worth the hangover this morning (that sucked) and I would do it all over again. Except the part where I ate taquitos from 7/11, that was a terrible idea and I shouldn’t have done that at all!

I would also like to apologize to everyone for my version of Purple Rain during the shotgun round. But I will not apologize for singing Nickelback’s Figured You Out, that’s just a fun rock song to sing!

You guys are all awesome and I love ya to pieces. Keep being the best!
 Now, let’s get to the weekend!

There are a bunch of pictures that were taken and posted on the interwebs while we were out near Port Hope. I love them because I love where I grew up and I love them because my friends took them.

Let’s take a look!

 Thank you all so much and a special thank you to my mom for having us all in her home.

Keep smiling kids, you’re awesome!

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

Joshua Murray
creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

5 comments on I Turned 30 – My Friends Are Awesome! [the lots of pictures edition]

  1. well if 50 is the new 30….then 30 must be the new 10……happy 10th birthday, my friend!!

  2. Shannon says:

    Denial! You can’t be 30!!!!
    I love your Mom, so awesome of her.
    When can you and Trish come visit me?

    1. Joshua says:

      My mom is pretty awesome. I hope we can come soon. I will have to ask her about her schedule!

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I Turned 30 – My Friends Are Awesome! [the lots of pictures edition]

So yesterday I turned 30.

I survived and I had a great time with some amazing friends at the Hard Luck singing karaoke and drinking tall boys of PBR for $5. I was also lucky enough to have a great to have some of those same (SUPER)friends join Trish and I at my mom’s place over the weekend for skating and board games and Wii and drinks and bbq and etc.

First I want to thank everyone who came out to karaoke. It was awesome to hear so much country music in 1 rotation at one of Jason Rolland’s shows.

It was a great night, totally worth the hangover this morning (that sucked) and I would do it all over again. Except the part where I ate taquitos from 7/11, that was a terrible idea and I shouldn’t have done that at all!

I would also like to apologize to everyone for my version of Purple Rain during the shotgun round. But I will not apologize for singing Nickelback’s Figured You Out, that’s just a fun rock song to sing!

You guys are all awesome and I love ya to pieces. Keep being the best!
 Now, let’s get to the weekend!

There are a bunch of pictures that were taken and posted on the interwebs while we were out near Port Hope. I love them because I love where I grew up and I love them because my friends took them.

Let’s take a look!

 Thank you all so much and a special thank you to my mom for having us all in her home.

Keep smiling kids, you’re awesome!

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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