Ryan Adams 1989 – Quick Thoughts

As a 33-year-old dude, I feel like Ryan Adams’ version of Taylor Swift’s 1989 was recorded specifically for me. Now, I know that isn’t true because I’ve read the posts other people have written about the process and music and final product… but still.

Note: There should be no shame in anyone, regardless of age or gender, loving any music or musician. And I certainly don’t have any shame in having been a fan of T.Swift since she first came onto the scene. But this record feels like the shame-free way for people who don’t feel like they can proclaim their love for Taylor’s record, to love these songs.

Ryan Adams 1989 Cover ArtThis record absolutely sounds like it was sung by a dude who has lived some life. His life experiences are different than Taylor’s, his interpretation of the lyrics is his own, and it often sounds like he could have written these songs.

I’ve listened through this album 3+ times already, and right now Blank Space and Style are on my most played tracks. I have a feeling they will be for a while… or until I experience something that pulls me to another of the 13 tracks on Ryan Adams’ version of 1989.

And while I can only write this post from the perspective of a 33-year-old guy, I’m not the only one who is loving this record. Here are 3 quotes from internet conversations I’ve been part of since the album was released…

– “oh man. So good. Blank Space is my jam so far.”

– “A good song is a good song is a good song.”

– “Bad Blood is making my whole life right now!”

If you still haven’t listened because you haven’t thought about it yet, or you’re a Ryan Adams fan who thinks this is dumb, or you’re a Taylor Swift fan that thinks this is dumb, do yourself a favour and try these two tracks. Just listen for yourself and see what you think.

Ryan Adams: Blank Space

Ryan Adams: Style

Oh hey, want more? Check out the whole album on Spotify.

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

Joshua Murray
creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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Ryan Adams 1989 – Quick Thoughts

As a 33-year-old dude, I feel like Ryan Adams’ version of Taylor Swift’s 1989 was recorded specifically for me. Now, I know that isn’t true because I’ve read the posts other people have written about the process and music and final product… but still.

Note: There should be no shame in anyone, regardless of age or gender, loving any music or musician. And I certainly don’t have any shame in having been a fan of T.Swift since she first came onto the scene. But this record feels like the shame-free way for people who don’t feel like they can proclaim their love for Taylor’s record, to love these songs.

Ryan Adams 1989 Cover ArtThis record absolutely sounds like it was sung by a dude who has lived some life. His life experiences are different than Taylor’s, his interpretation of the lyrics is his own, and it often sounds like he could have written these songs.

I’ve listened through this album 3+ times already, and right now Blank Space and Style are on my most played tracks. I have a feeling they will be for a while… or until I experience something that pulls me to another of the 13 tracks on Ryan Adams’ version of 1989.

And while I can only write this post from the perspective of a 33-year-old guy, I’m not the only one who is loving this record. Here are 3 quotes from internet conversations I’ve been part of since the album was released…

– “oh man. So good. Blank Space is my jam so far.”

– “A good song is a good song is a good song.”

– “Bad Blood is making my whole life right now!”

If you still haven’t listened because you haven’t thought about it yet, or you’re a Ryan Adams fan who thinks this is dumb, or you’re a Taylor Swift fan that thinks this is dumb, do yourself a favour and try these two tracks. Just listen for yourself and see what you think.

Ryan Adams: Blank Space

Ryan Adams: Style

Oh hey, want more? Check out the whole album on Spotify.

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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