Cavendish Beach Music Festival 2016 Q&A with Petric, Cold Creek County and Bobby Wills


With the Canada Day long weekend behind we’re looking forward to next weekend and Cavendish Beach Music Festival!

July 8th, 9th and 10th we’re going to see some of the biggest names in country music including The Band Perry, Kenny Chesney and Blake Shelton. CBMF is bringing us 36 major acts over the three days and that doesn’t include the Emerging Artists who will be rocking the RBC Emerging Artist stage all weekend.

On top of the headliners, you’ll see The Road Hammer, Tebey, Dean Brody, Bobby Wills, Meghan Patrick, Washboard Union, River Town Saints, Petric, and Cold Creek County.

We’re getting into the meat of the summer music festival and we wanted to know what some of our favourite artists are thinking. We’ve asked Petric, Cold Creek County, and Bobby Wills, three questions about festival season, CCC’s Trevor MacLeod and Petric brother, Jason answered for us.

Here we go!

Q. In 50 words or less, is there one thing you’re most looking forward to about playing Cavendish Beach Music Festival?

Petric Cavendish Social 300Petric: We’ve heard nothing but amazing things about this festival. We’ve heard the music fans out there are the best, so that gets us really excited!

Cold Creek County: 
One thing we are looking forward to about playing Cavendish is the amazing vibe! Sharing the stage with The Band Perry, The Road Hammers, Black Jack Billy, The Washboard Union and Olivia Lane. That mixed with an awesome turnout of music fans, makes the experience one of a million.

Bobby Wills: The East Coast is always special and I expect Cavendish to take that to the next level! All the musicians and artists I have spoken to about the event talk so highly of the whole event! I can’t wait.

Cold Creek County Social Media 300Q. Who are you most excited to see?

Neither of us have ever seen Blake Shelton, so that will be a pretty cool experience!

Cold Creek County: 
The Band Perry, their show is unbelievable.

Bobby Wills: I have never seen Kenny Chesney and hear he is one of the best in the business.

Q. What’s your favourite thing about festival season?

Bobby Wills CavendishPetric: The vibe at a country music festival is one of a kind. Great music—and hopefully great weather—it always ends up being a lot of fun! We’ve dreamed of getting to play at these shows for years. It’s really cool to now get this opportunity.

Cold Creek County: 
All the people having a good time, and how they project their energy outward to the music.

Bobby Wills: The fans! The atmosphere and fan interaction at festivals is totally a unique experience.  Nothing like it!

Petric 2015Cold-Creek-County-CMW-10Bobby Wills When The Lights Go Down Toronto-8020

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