SHOOK PLANET, Not Your Kinda Type – 5 Quick Questions
SHOOK PLANET is the brainchild of Kingston’s Ted Evans.
Fans of The Meringues shouldn’t panic, I’ve been reassured that they’re still playing together.
Since we spoke last with Ted, he’s been keeping busy producing a lot of music and doing session work with a wide range of artists and bands, and creating this new project.
SHOOK PLANET’S debut video single features Audio Vanguard, skateboarding, lots of costume changes, guitar playing (of course), lots of colour, fun dancing, a catchy hook and a song that makes you want to hit replay.
We’ve got the teaser video for you and a round of 5 Quick Questions with Ted.
5 Quick Questions with SHOOK PLANET
Not Your Kinda Type will be released on Valentine’s Day, February the 14th. I’d call it an anti-Valentine’s Day song and I for one am down with that. Watch for it!
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