Background Music Matters! Here’s Why

Music is all around us. Whether it’s jamming to some sweet Spotify beats or singing the most horrific rendition of your favourite song in the shower, life without music is unimaginable.

Music isn’t just essential as entertainment; it has other functions too. Music drives creativity. It helps us express our emotions when words just can’t do them justice. It helps us learn, and it even drives our behaviour.

But did you know that there’s more to music than active listening? Background music matters – it’s not just a way to slowly kill us to death while waiting for a customer service representative to pick up the phone. Here’s why.

Music can Drive Your Business

If you’re a business owner, you’ve probably not given background music much thought. But you should. It can help drive it forward:

The Stats Do Most of the Talking

Let’s start with the cold, hard fact. You’re a business owner, so the numbers matter. The bottom line is what counts, not a theoretical argument. And all of the stats show that almost any background music is better than none.

Well, when it comes to background music, consumers have spoken. To 81%, business background music acts as a mood lifter. 71% of consumers also say that it improves the atmosphere. Finally, 84% say that the shopping experience is better as a result. Just imagine if you are, let’s say, a metal music fanatic, and you walk into a related clothing store, and there’s no good music to light up your mood… Versus the situation where you hear your favourite and most respected artists while you’re shopping – it’s a true game-changer.

Better shopping experience = more dollars. Again, stats. 24% of consumers are more likely to buy a product when music is playing in the background. Music is deeply wired into our psyche in ways that most people don’t really understand.

It Builds Your Brand Identity

When you think of your personal music choices, they’re part of your personality. The stuff you grew up with, whether on your Walkman or iPod, they make you who you are.

The same thing applies to music and business. When people hear certain tunes, they instantly think of a particular business. Kit Kat’s “Give Me a Break”, Oscar Mayer’s “I Wish I was an Oscar Mayer Weiner” the list is endless.

Now you don’t need to pay a professional artist to create a jingle just for you (but that’d be cool!), but creating a playlist or music style that befits your company message will embed your identity in the mind of potential clients and consumers.

It Helps Staff and Customers

Think about when you walk into your favourite store. There’s usually always music playing. That isn’t just because the staff thinks they’re DJs. Music is a corporate strategy.

Music in stores does several things. First, it increases productivity in staff. Their morale is up, time moves faster, and they have fun. The inevitable consequence: productive staff.

Music also encourages consumers to continue shopping. Impulse ways go way up when listening to the right music. This works not only in your local Walmart but also in places like casinos, for example.

Think about it. Vegas doesn’t employ live artists just for the sake of it. They know that good music leads to more visits and, consequently, more bets. It’s that simple.

What is more, music doesn’t just play in the background, but games actively use professional music and good sound effects to make a better atmosphere and drive more business. And not only land-based but online casinos employ the same strategy – they use the most famous artists to tickle the players’ ears. Click here to see all games and check them out for yourself.

Crucial to the Storytelling Process

Music has long been used as a crucial storytelling device. In Greek drama, for instance, the aulos were used together with chants and choral music to intensify the story’s effect.

Today, the equivalent is music used in theatre and film. It not only creates an atmosphere and fills voids, but music actively affects our reaction to what is happening on the silver screen.

Think about it. Can you imagine an epic movie without an Oscar-worthy score? Star Wars without John Williams. Or perhaps Gladiator without Hans Zimmer. It just doesn’t work.

Music also plays a similar function in video games. Think about the rousing Western score while you’re playing Red Dead Redemption 2. Or the emotional music used in scenes between Ellie and Joel in Last of Us.

Or think about the classics from the 90s: Super Mario and the Legend of Zelda. We’re willing to bet you’re giving your own rendition of the famous tunes right now. Without music, the world-building, tension, and atmosphere just wouldn’t be the same.

Background Music = Stories = Money

Background music tells a story that’s deeper than most of us realize. It’s in the ‘background’ but essential to the whole production. And when it comes to the corporate or retail world, business owners are far too aware of the effects.

Next time you walk into a store or call up customer services, don’t just enjoy the music playing but ask yourself why. Then, you’ll never look at music the same way again.

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Toronto Music Blogger

Trish Cassling
Writer/Photographer/Editor Toronto Music Blogger

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Background Music Matters! Here’s Why

Music is all around us. Whether it’s jamming to some sweet Spotify beats or singing the most horrific rendition of your favourite song in the shower, life without music is unimaginable.

Music isn’t just essential as entertainment; it has other functions too. Music drives creativity. It helps us express our emotions when words just can’t do them justice. It helps us learn, and it even drives our behaviour.

But did you know that there’s more to music than active listening? Background music matters – it’s not just a way to slowly kill us to death while waiting for a customer service representative to pick up the phone. Here’s why.

Music can Drive Your Business

If you’re a business owner, you’ve probably not given background music much thought. But you should. It can help drive it forward:

The Stats Do Most of the Talking

Let’s start with the cold, hard fact. You’re a business owner, so the numbers matter. The bottom line is what counts, not a theoretical argument. And all of the stats show that almost any background music is better than none.

Well, when it comes to background music, consumers have spoken. To 81%, business background music acts as a mood lifter. 71% of consumers also say that it improves the atmosphere. Finally, 84% say that the shopping experience is better as a result. Just imagine if you are, let’s say, a metal music fanatic, and you walk into a related clothing store, and there’s no good music to light up your mood… Versus the situation where you hear your favourite and most respected artists while you’re shopping – it’s a true game-changer.

Better shopping experience = more dollars. Again, stats. 24% of consumers are more likely to buy a product when music is playing in the background. Music is deeply wired into our psyche in ways that most people don’t really understand.

It Builds Your Brand Identity

When you think of your personal music choices, they’re part of your personality. The stuff you grew up with, whether on your Walkman or iPod, they make you who you are.

The same thing applies to music and business. When people hear certain tunes, they instantly think of a particular business. Kit Kat’s “Give Me a Break”, Oscar Mayer’s “I Wish I was an Oscar Mayer Weiner” the list is endless.

Now you don’t need to pay a professional artist to create a jingle just for you (but that’d be cool!), but creating a playlist or music style that befits your company message will embed your identity in the mind of potential clients and consumers.

It Helps Staff and Customers

Think about when you walk into your favourite store. There’s usually always music playing. That isn’t just because the staff thinks they’re DJs. Music is a corporate strategy.

Music in stores does several things. First, it increases productivity in staff. Their morale is up, time moves faster, and they have fun. The inevitable consequence: productive staff.

Music also encourages consumers to continue shopping. Impulse ways go way up when listening to the right music. This works not only in your local Walmart but also in places like casinos, for example.

Think about it. Vegas doesn’t employ live artists just for the sake of it. They know that good music leads to more visits and, consequently, more bets. It’s that simple.

What is more, music doesn’t just play in the background, but games actively use professional music and good sound effects to make a better atmosphere and drive more business. And not only land-based but online casinos employ the same strategy – they use the most famous artists to tickle the players’ ears. Click here to see all games and check them out for yourself.

Crucial to the Storytelling Process

Music has long been used as a crucial storytelling device. In Greek drama, for instance, the aulos were used together with chants and choral music to intensify the story’s effect.

Today, the equivalent is music used in theatre and film. It not only creates an atmosphere and fills voids, but music actively affects our reaction to what is happening on the silver screen.

Think about it. Can you imagine an epic movie without an Oscar-worthy score? Star Wars without John Williams. Or perhaps Gladiator without Hans Zimmer. It just doesn’t work.

Music also plays a similar function in video games. Think about the rousing Western score while you’re playing Red Dead Redemption 2. Or the emotional music used in scenes between Ellie and Joel in Last of Us.

Or think about the classics from the 90s: Super Mario and the Legend of Zelda. We’re willing to bet you’re giving your own rendition of the famous tunes right now. Without music, the world-building, tension, and atmosphere just wouldn’t be the same.

Background Music = Stories = Money

Background music tells a story that’s deeper than most of us realize. It’s in the ‘background’ but essential to the whole production. And when it comes to the corporate or retail world, business owners are far too aware of the effects.

Next time you walk into a store or call up customer services, don’t just enjoy the music playing but ask yourself why. Then, you’ll never look at music the same way again.

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Toronto Music Blogger

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