And I’m Back… For Tonight

Hello world.

Remember when I used to write and post stuff here all the time? Ya, me too. The good old days.

Well, tonight I’m back.

I’ve been in a coping pattern lately, so things have been a little weird. There’s been a lot of sleep mixed with very little sleep. There’s been work to concentrate on and actually enjoy (how cool is that). There’s been Twitter. There’s been baseball live and on TV. There have been 2 trips to Ottawa after 16 months without one. There have been friends. There’s been booze and take out. And there’s been Batman.

And thanks to/ in spite of all of those things I’m alive. The reason writing hasn’t been on that list is because I have made the decision not to be a Debbie Downer. I can do that on Twitter 140 characters at a time. I don’t need to dedicate this space to it.

Also, I have that habit thing of bottling most things up and only sharing the most obscure points anyway.

Random side note: I’m disappointed with Tostitos Lime chips.

I will also admit here that I failed in my previous attempt to quit smoking. Sorry about that.

What has been cool (to me anyway) is that I started talking to the Big Guy again. It had been a while.

I’ve also eaten vegetables more often. Not all the time, but more often.

But now I’m conflicted because I lost 10 pounds or so and would really rather put it back on. And while I’d rather it be in a healthy manner, I think my hour of walking transit a day is killing the calories I’m taking in. But I really just don’t wanna eat that often. Meh.

Food related side note: I have fallen back in love with cereal. So far Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Captain Crunch and Banana Nut Cheerios have topped the list. And yogurt has even made a comeback at breakfast.

Thank yous go out to the people near and far who have made an effort to keep me on the up and up. I appreciate it.

I think that’s all I’ve got for tonight. Stay tuned for more. But don’t hold your breath.

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

Joshua Murray
creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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And I’m Back… For Tonight

Hello world.

Remember when I used to write and post stuff here all the time? Ya, me too. The good old days.

Well, tonight I’m back.

I’ve been in a coping pattern lately, so things have been a little weird. There’s been a lot of sleep mixed with very little sleep. There’s been work to concentrate on and actually enjoy (how cool is that). There’s been Twitter. There’s been baseball live and on TV. There have been 2 trips to Ottawa after 16 months without one. There have been friends. There’s been booze and take out. And there’s been Batman.

And thanks to/ in spite of all of those things I’m alive. The reason writing hasn’t been on that list is because I have made the decision not to be a Debbie Downer. I can do that on Twitter 140 characters at a time. I don’t need to dedicate this space to it.

Also, I have that habit thing of bottling most things up and only sharing the most obscure points anyway.

Random side note: I’m disappointed with Tostitos Lime chips.

I will also admit here that I failed in my previous attempt to quit smoking. Sorry about that.

What has been cool (to me anyway) is that I started talking to the Big Guy again. It had been a while.

I’ve also eaten vegetables more often. Not all the time, but more often.

But now I’m conflicted because I lost 10 pounds or so and would really rather put it back on. And while I’d rather it be in a healthy manner, I think my hour of walking transit a day is killing the calories I’m taking in. But I really just don’t wanna eat that often. Meh.

Food related side note: I have fallen back in love with cereal. So far Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Captain Crunch and Banana Nut Cheerios have topped the list. And yogurt has even made a comeback at breakfast.

Thank yous go out to the people near and far who have made an effort to keep me on the up and up. I appreciate it.

I think that’s all I’ve got for tonight. Stay tuned for more. But don’t hold your breath.

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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