Never Forget, With Many Thanks

Sometimes when things get tough it can be too easy to forget that we have so much to be thankful for. I did. I have. I’ve realized it.

So tonight I’d like to take a couple of minutes and express my thanks for the amazing gifts in my life.

First of all I need to remember that I’m thankful for my health. The ways that I have abused my body over the years certainly don’t inspire confidence. But I’ve been a lucky guy that way.

Secondly, my friends and family continue to be fantastic people. My family has lent support without being pushy. They kept me afloat when I was without. And they show me that I’m always part of something.

My friends, new and old, real life and interweb based have all been fantastic. Whether it be for distraction, venting, a needed shoulder or a slap in the face, you have all helped me daily. Without you I would be nowhere near the good days that have presented themselves. Thank you all.

I’m also thankful for memories, maybes, the past and the future. Hope is always present if I look hard enough for it. I’ve been lucky enough to have some really good times. And I believe that some day there will be more. For that hope and the ability to remember that everything good was worth the bumps now, I am thankful.

In the end it really just comes down to remembering that it’s not as bad as it could be.

I really am a fortunate dude.

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

Joshua Murray
creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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Never Forget, With Many Thanks

Sometimes when things get tough it can be too easy to forget that we have so much to be thankful for. I did. I have. I’ve realized it.

So tonight I’d like to take a couple of minutes and express my thanks for the amazing gifts in my life.

First of all I need to remember that I’m thankful for my health. The ways that I have abused my body over the years certainly don’t inspire confidence. But I’ve been a lucky guy that way.

Secondly, my friends and family continue to be fantastic people. My family has lent support without being pushy. They kept me afloat when I was without. And they show me that I’m always part of something.

My friends, new and old, real life and interweb based have all been fantastic. Whether it be for distraction, venting, a needed shoulder or a slap in the face, you have all helped me daily. Without you I would be nowhere near the good days that have presented themselves. Thank you all.

I’m also thankful for memories, maybes, the past and the future. Hope is always present if I look hard enough for it. I’ve been lucky enough to have some really good times. And I believe that some day there will be more. For that hope and the ability to remember that everything good was worth the bumps now, I am thankful.

In the end it really just comes down to remembering that it’s not as bad as it could be.

I really am a fortunate dude.

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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