2012 And A Better Me

I’ve been thinking a bunch over the last few days. You see, I worked hard at making 2011 a year of Silver Linings and Awesome. And now we have a new year and it’s time to start working at a new goal.

I’m thinking… be a better me.

It’s vague (which I like) and it’s positive (which I like) and I can set my own goals as the year goes on and opportunities arise (which I like).

We’ve established that in 2012 I will turn 30. I have established that there’s nothing but a bottle of Just For Men that’s going to reverse the slight greying of my hair. I have also decided that this is the year that I give a real, true, honest fight to my addiction with cigarettes.

Note: I’ve started the smoking thing. It’s been sucky. You’ll hear and read more about it I’m sure.

To go along with the quitting smoking thing I’ve thought about other aspects of my life that I can improve with a little attention and care.

I’ve started playing around with some fitness options and will continue to do so as the year goes along.

I’ve also promised myself that I would commit more time and effort to creating content for this blog and other projects that come up.

Note: Find me Sundays at photojunkie.ca – we talk sports, differently.

Now, please don’t think that just because we’ve flipped the calendar we will also abandon Silver

Linings and Awesome things. That would just be silly. I mean, it was such a good way to go about things. And it was largely a good year.

We’re just going to take that positive energy and focus and add it to this new work of making myself better.

So feel free to come along for the ride. I’m hoping that there won’t be much more than a few speed bumps on the way. I’m also hoping that I’m going to have your support as things get messy and cleaned up.

2012 is here and it isn’t going anywhere for another 11+ months. We might as well get used to it and make the best out of what we’ve got.

Smile Big. Be Awesome.

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

Joshua Murray
creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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2012 And A Better Me

I’ve been thinking a bunch over the last few days. You see, I worked hard at making 2011 a year of Silver Linings and Awesome. And now we have a new year and it’s time to start working at a new goal.

I’m thinking… be a better me.

It’s vague (which I like) and it’s positive (which I like) and I can set my own goals as the year goes on and opportunities arise (which I like).

We’ve established that in 2012 I will turn 30. I have established that there’s nothing but a bottle of Just For Men that’s going to reverse the slight greying of my hair. I have also decided that this is the year that I give a real, true, honest fight to my addiction with cigarettes.

Note: I’ve started the smoking thing. It’s been sucky. You’ll hear and read more about it I’m sure.

To go along with the quitting smoking thing I’ve thought about other aspects of my life that I can improve with a little attention and care.

I’ve started playing around with some fitness options and will continue to do so as the year goes along.

I’ve also promised myself that I would commit more time and effort to creating content for this blog and other projects that come up.

Note: Find me Sundays at photojunkie.ca – we talk sports, differently.

Now, please don’t think that just because we’ve flipped the calendar we will also abandon Silver

Linings and Awesome things. That would just be silly. I mean, it was such a good way to go about things. And it was largely a good year.

We’re just going to take that positive energy and focus and add it to this new work of making myself better.

So feel free to come along for the ride. I’m hoping that there won’t be much more than a few speed bumps on the way. I’m also hoping that I’m going to have your support as things get messy and cleaned up.

2012 is here and it isn’t going anywhere for another 11+ months. We might as well get used to it and make the best out of what we’ve got.

Smile Big. Be Awesome.

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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