The 4.5 Month #BreakItOff Update

It’s been about 4 and a half months since I had my last cigarette on January 28th. And while it is easier each day not to want one and find one and have one, I still get cravings and urges from time to time. I’ve mentioned on Twitter that I get cravings when I see good looking people smoking. It’s true. It’s not every time. But there are times when I want to be one of the beautiful people and it seems that I’m skipping a vital step and should just jump back in. Then I remember that I know a lot of really good looking people who don’t smoke and I go about my day.

Other cravings include:

Waiting for Transit: I get bored when I have to sit and wait and do nothing on the side of the road. It’s sucky. And it used to be that I could just light a cigarette and pass the time. It also became partly habit to have one if a bus/streetcar wasn’t right there when I got to the stop. There’s also some superstition that comes into play. You see, when you’re waiting for a bus and it doesn’t seem like it’s ever going to come, you can light a cigarette and be sure that 9 times out of 10 the bus will arrive before you’re done smoking.

Being Outside in Gorgeous Weather: Cigarettes were always great for relaxing. And when I’m outside in gorgeous weather I want to be relaxed. So I would often have a cigarette and sit back and enjoy the day.

Fast On-Set Stress: There are some moments in life that just make me feel sick. I start sweating instantly, want to crawl into a hole and hide, etc. They can come from work, family and my personal life. And it used to be that a cigarette would give me a few minutes to grab a chemical reaction and mellow out in the brain for a minute. Problem solved? No. Time taken to process things and start figuring them out? Yes.

Walking out of a Blue Jays Game: Being in the ballpark for 3 hours during a baseball game used to be the longest I would go without a cigarette all day long. And I wasn’t alone. When you walk out of any sports stadium you will instantly smell cigarette smoke in abundance. People are lighting up all over the place and it still makes me crave a smoke to be among them.

Note: A cigarette by any other name would still smell as sweet. I know that this isn’t a widely shared opinion, but I kinda like the smell of a cigarette in the open air. I’m not talking about a smokey room, I’m talking about 1 person smoking 1 cigarette. It’s kinda nice.

Am I happy to be a non-smoker? Yes.

Has it been easy? Some days.

Has it been hard? Some days.

Is it worth fighting through the cravings? Heck Yes.

Do I want to go back to being a smoker? Heck No.

Thanks to and their iPhone app I can tell you that it’s been 135 days since my last cigarette. I can also tell you that I have not smoked approximately 1762 cigarettes and saved approximately $705. That’s a lot of smoking and a lot of money.

Thanks again to everyone who has supported me, said nice things, tweeted encouragement, liked a Facebook status, etc.

You’re all awesome and have been a big help.

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

Joshua Murray
creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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The 4.5 Month #BreakItOff Update

It’s been about 4 and a half months since I had my last cigarette on January 28th. And while it is easier each day not to want one and find one and have one, I still get cravings and urges from time to time. I’ve mentioned on Twitter that I get cravings when I see good looking people smoking. It’s true. It’s not every time. But there are times when I want to be one of the beautiful people and it seems that I’m skipping a vital step and should just jump back in. Then I remember that I know a lot of really good looking people who don’t smoke and I go about my day.

Other cravings include:

Waiting for Transit: I get bored when I have to sit and wait and do nothing on the side of the road. It’s sucky. And it used to be that I could just light a cigarette and pass the time. It also became partly habit to have one if a bus/streetcar wasn’t right there when I got to the stop. There’s also some superstition that comes into play. You see, when you’re waiting for a bus and it doesn’t seem like it’s ever going to come, you can light a cigarette and be sure that 9 times out of 10 the bus will arrive before you’re done smoking.

Being Outside in Gorgeous Weather: Cigarettes were always great for relaxing. And when I’m outside in gorgeous weather I want to be relaxed. So I would often have a cigarette and sit back and enjoy the day.

Fast On-Set Stress: There are some moments in life that just make me feel sick. I start sweating instantly, want to crawl into a hole and hide, etc. They can come from work, family and my personal life. And it used to be that a cigarette would give me a few minutes to grab a chemical reaction and mellow out in the brain for a minute. Problem solved? No. Time taken to process things and start figuring them out? Yes.

Walking out of a Blue Jays Game: Being in the ballpark for 3 hours during a baseball game used to be the longest I would go without a cigarette all day long. And I wasn’t alone. When you walk out of any sports stadium you will instantly smell cigarette smoke in abundance. People are lighting up all over the place and it still makes me crave a smoke to be among them.

Note: A cigarette by any other name would still smell as sweet. I know that this isn’t a widely shared opinion, but I kinda like the smell of a cigarette in the open air. I’m not talking about a smokey room, I’m talking about 1 person smoking 1 cigarette. It’s kinda nice.

Am I happy to be a non-smoker? Yes.

Has it been easy? Some days.

Has it been hard? Some days.

Is it worth fighting through the cravings? Heck Yes.

Do I want to go back to being a smoker? Heck No.

Thanks to and their iPhone app I can tell you that it’s been 135 days since my last cigarette. I can also tell you that I have not smoked approximately 1762 cigarettes and saved approximately $705. That’s a lot of smoking and a lot of money.

Thanks again to everyone who has supported me, said nice things, tweeted encouragement, liked a Facebook status, etc.

You’re all awesome and have been a big help.

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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