#BreakItOff Day 7 – It’s Getting Easier & Thank You!

What up kids?

Just wanted to stop in and let you know that hard things can be done and can be made a lot easier with the support and love of friends and family.

I’m on day 7 of the non-smoking and I feel better than I have so far in my nicotine free week. I’m getting more energy at times when I didn’t before. I’m saving cash. I’m not drinking less coffee (that one is in every one’s best interest). And I’m not gaining weight.

I’m also giving out a ton of support to Rannie who quit smoking this week and is tracking his path with the #BreakItOff app. Feel free to tweet him and tell him that he can do it!

There are still cravings. I just had one right now. And they still suck. But I’m learning more and more that they do go away and I can get through them.

If you have a chance check out the tweets that are using the #BreakItOff hashtag. There are a few people flashing it around and doing a great job. I feel pride for all of them!

I wanted to say some thank yous today so I made a video – check it out.

Alright y’all. It’s time to check out for now. There’s stuff to do.

Have a great weekend! Be awesome!

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

Joshua Murray
creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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#BreakItOff Day 7 – It’s Getting Easier & Thank You!

What up kids?

Just wanted to stop in and let you know that hard things can be done and can be made a lot easier with the support and love of friends and family.

I’m on day 7 of the non-smoking and I feel better than I have so far in my nicotine free week. I’m getting more energy at times when I didn’t before. I’m saving cash. I’m not drinking less coffee (that one is in every one’s best interest). And I’m not gaining weight.

I’m also giving out a ton of support to Rannie who quit smoking this week and is tracking his path with the #BreakItOff app. Feel free to tweet him and tell him that he can do it!

There are still cravings. I just had one right now. And they still suck. But I’m learning more and more that they do go away and I can get through them.

If you have a chance check out the tweets that are using the #BreakItOff hashtag. There are a few people flashing it around and doing a great job. I feel pride for all of them!

I wanted to say some thank yous today so I made a video – check it out.

Alright y’all. It’s time to check out for now. There’s stuff to do.

Have a great weekend! Be awesome!

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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