The Walking Dead Season Two Finale – They’re All Gonna Die!

Okay, so I don’t really know if they’re all gonna die or not. I haven’t read the books. But man wouldn’t that be a hell of a way to end the season?!

Time for me to claim spoiler alert for anyone who isn’t currently caught up on the adventures of our favourite zombie survivalists.
So far this season we’ve watched as 3 members of the original group have been lost.

1. Sophia

2. Dale

3. Shane

We probably all saw the Sophia thing coming in some capacity – but not like that. That made my insides twist. I don’t know how every mother who watched that episode didn’t just go ahead and have a break down.

When Dale was lost I thought there would be more time given to the group to grieve and think and regroup and move forward with a sense of loss and perspective and maybe Shane would have said something really, really mean and been pushed out…

But I was totally wrong.
Now the speculation is all about tonight and what will happen in the battle that is coming between 13 survivors and a gaggle of walkers. It’s going to be ugly. It’s going to be intense. It’s going to be dark. There’s a chance that we lose someone else and I’m guessing that would happen in a self-sacrifice situation.

Actually, I think I’m willing to bet that we see Hershel and Jimmy are most likely to die. T-Dog would be my guess from the core group.

And I’ll throw Beth in as my wild card which leaves Maggie free to join the group and be part of the new love story she deserves to be in with Glenn.

I also that think that Carl is either going to have to take a shot in a very important situation… or he’ll wander out into the field full of zombies for no reason at all and put everyone in danger because CARL IS NEVER IN THE HOUSE!

Like I said, I haven’t read the comics so I don’t know what happens next or where the group will go next… but I can’t wait to find out and I can’t wait for the finale and Living vs. Walking Dead battle that is going to go down tonight!


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creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

Joshua Murray
creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

One comment on The Walking Dead Season Two Finale – They’re All Gonna Die!

  1. I’ve just started this series….kinda fell into the middle….I need to go back to the beginning

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The Walking Dead Season Two Finale – They’re All Gonna Die!

Okay, so I don’t really know if they’re all gonna die or not. I haven’t read the books. But man wouldn’t that be a hell of a way to end the season?!

Time for me to claim spoiler alert for anyone who isn’t currently caught up on the adventures of our favourite zombie survivalists.
So far this season we’ve watched as 3 members of the original group have been lost.

1. Sophia

2. Dale

3. Shane

We probably all saw the Sophia thing coming in some capacity – but not like that. That made my insides twist. I don’t know how every mother who watched that episode didn’t just go ahead and have a break down.

When Dale was lost I thought there would be more time given to the group to grieve and think and regroup and move forward with a sense of loss and perspective and maybe Shane would have said something really, really mean and been pushed out…

But I was totally wrong.
Now the speculation is all about tonight and what will happen in the battle that is coming between 13 survivors and a gaggle of walkers. It’s going to be ugly. It’s going to be intense. It’s going to be dark. There’s a chance that we lose someone else and I’m guessing that would happen in a self-sacrifice situation.

Actually, I think I’m willing to bet that we see Hershel and Jimmy are most likely to die. T-Dog would be my guess from the core group.

And I’ll throw Beth in as my wild card which leaves Maggie free to join the group and be part of the new love story she deserves to be in with Glenn.

I also that think that Carl is either going to have to take a shot in a very important situation… or he’ll wander out into the field full of zombies for no reason at all and put everyone in danger because CARL IS NEVER IN THE HOUSE!

Like I said, I haven’t read the comics so I don’t know what happens next or where the group will go next… but I can’t wait to find out and I can’t wait for the finale and Living vs. Walking Dead battle that is going to go down tonight!


Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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