Month: March 2012

You Guys, It’s So Nice Out – Let’s Do Stuff!

March 12th, 2012 by Joshua Murray

The weather seems to have turned (for now) in Toronto and it’s making me want to do things outside. I haven’t wanted to do things outside for months! So now that it looks like double digit temps may be sticking around (maybe) here are some of the things I wanna do. Let me know if […]

My 2012 March Madness Bracket – TSN Tournament Challenge

March 12th, 2012 by Joshua Murray

I know that it’s not easy to read (I had to resize it)… and I know that not all of you will be playing along (I don’t really understand why)… but for some of you (you’re awesome) this is the most exciting sporting time of the year and we are going to live by the […]

Do You Know These People? sh*t n@rcissists say

March 10th, 2012 by Joshua Murray

Sometimes some people are lucky enough to know other people who are smart and funny and create amazing content on the internets. Right now I totally feel like one of those people. If you haven’t heard in the last few months, I’ve been working at The Blog Studio in the social media world as I’ve […]

Toronto Rock(s) on Friday Night at the ACC!

March 10th, 2012 by Joshua Murray

So Friday night, for the 1st time in 10 years, I hit up the ACC to see the Toronto Rock take the floor in an NLL game. As a Toronto sports fan it’s a little crazy that it took me this long to get back to the arena. But, life happens and priorities get set […]

The March Madness Widow Survival Guide 3.0

March 8th, 2012 by Joshua Murray

Hello friends, it’s that time of year again. The magical time when televisions will be tuned to CBS and grown men will agonize day and night over the hardwood exploits of young men from 68 schools from across the United States. However, as some of you have found over the years, March Madness is not […]

Breaking News: Harry Caray Rolls Over In Grave!

March 7th, 2012 by Joshua Murray

So yesterday I started seeing tweets and links and updates flying around the internet talking about MLB 12 The Show and their new ad and the Chicago Cubs. I was curious, but I didn’t watch the video on YouTube until I saw Jose Bautista tweet it in the afternoon… Since then I’ve watched it at […]

90210 Tuesday, #1

March 6th, 2012 by Joshua Murray

On September 2, 2010 Bill Simmons and Matt Berry broke down (in great detail) one of the best teenage drama television series that has ever aired… Beverly Hills 90210. The breakdown was recorded in a double podcast (Part 1 here) and has 46 categories that run through the entire show including characters, plot lines, quotes, […]

Board Games and Memory Lane

March 3rd, 2012 by Joshua Murray

When I was 12 we (my mom, brother & I) started going to my step-dad’s house on the weekend. It was a fun place to visit. My 2 step-brothers and step-sister were there too and we had a lot to do since we were out in the country. We could swim in the summer and […]

The Play-Offs Are Coming – MLB Changes The Wild Card!

March 2nd, 2012 by Joshua Murray

It’s here, it’s here. It happened, it happened. It’s coming, it’s coming. I’m so excited! It was announced today that Major League Baseball will be adding a 2nd Wild Card team to the playoff system this season. That’s HUGE news. Especially in markets like Toronto. Here’s how it breaks down (unless I’m totally misunderstanding everything) […]

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