My Favourite Music Podcast Right Now: Nice Horse’s The Road Case

Nice Horse The Road Case Podcast 1

This week, a new podcast launched from the music world, and with three episodes available on day one, it’s already pulled me in as one of my favourites. Nice Horse, the award-winning country band based in Alberta (with members calling B.C. and Ontario home as well), have started telling stories on The Road Case podcast.

As the flagship piece of the band’s new venture, Be Nice Nation, The Road Case is a storytelling podcast that starts with how the band first got together in Hawaii and moves forward from there. There are laughs and surprises (even to members of the band) and some f-bombs too. Earmuffs, kids.

After digging in and listening to Katie, Brandi, Krista, Tara, and their friend, colleague, and music industry veteran, Tera Lee Flaman laugh and joke and talk, I reached out to the group and had a chance to get on a call with Katie to talk about it.

Setting the scene, Katie told me, “Between all of us, have 15 years each of road experience that doesn’t even include our time together, it’s also time apart, so even we’re kind of hearing stories for the first time from each other. From tour fails to tour successes to just the most odd things that have happened on the road to us – and then also we’ll be having guests. And we’ve already got some really great guests lined up that we’re very excited to announce next week.”

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Note: Check out Be Nice Nation ( to learn more about this new Lifestyle Brand and Media Empire – including their line of t-shirts, the podcast, their upcoming blog, foundation, and more.

Earlier in the pandemic, Nice Horse started hosting streaming hangouts called Wine at 9, and caught up with each other and told stories and generally just had a good time with themselves and fans. What they noticed were comments telling them that this was podcast content, and there was something here to dive deeper into. And the rest, as they say, is history.

With COVID-19 still a very real presence in our lives, I asked Katie how the recording process has gone for The Road Case so far. She said, “It’s been a little bit of everything. We were able to get some together and then, of course, the restrictions happened again and so we’ve been separated again and so we’ve just been recording them at home.” She added that they’re trying not to get too far ahead of themselves on recording so things stay fresh and in real-time – and they’re still busy as a band so that work has to be done too.

From episode one, you can tell that this really is a group of five people that enjoy hanging out and talking and swapping stories and making jokes at each other’s expense. The chemistry and familiarity and comfort is visible (audible? you know what I mean). It’s the same attitude and vibe we’ve had when sitting down with the band for interviews, except now you all can hear it, and it’s not just us in a small space, sharing the highlights when it’s over.

Hot Mess, Nice Horse Interview & 5 Quick Questions

As we talked about the podcast and the decision to make it happen, one example stood out that helps explain all of it. Katie said, “The number one question I’ll get asked by people who aren’t musicians is ‘have you got a great tour story? Like, whats a cool backstage moment that happened?’ And when people ask you that on the spot, you’re like ‘Nothing, we drive for hours at a time and then get on stage and play and then go to bed.’ But then you get talking and you’re like ‘oh right, I’ve got a ton of these stories.’… and we kind of put all of that into The Road Case.” It sounds simple, but it’s the truth, and I’m here for it.

The saga starts with the story of Nice Horse coming together (with some really fun details and behind-the-scenes surprises) to start the band, their individual history as musicians, and moves into Tara joining the band and Tera Lee also joining the circle as we get into episode two. And it’s clear that there are going to be a lot of fun stories, as these women and their guests (I’m looking forward to the announcement and names) keep recording and sharing.

If you know Nice Horse’s music and like it, if you’ve seen them live and know their energy, or if you’ve ever met them or watched them in interviews, you’re going to want to hit play and check out The Road Case. Test drive the first three episodes and come back for more when they’re ready.

And even if you don’t know the band but you like podcasts that offer stories and an opportunity to feel like you’re sitting in on a conversation with friends as you go about your day, I recommend checking it out.


The Road Case – The Case of Three Quarter Horses

Nice Horse The Road Case Thumb

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Toronto Music Blogger

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Whitney South

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