Rolling Through Life On An Empty Streetcar & Canada Day Shout Outs

Sometimes you get lucky and get a seat on the streetcar. And other times you get lucky and get every seat on the streetcar!

Blast it all you want. We are all aware that it isn’t a perfect service. But thank goodness for the TTC because this is a pretty big city with a lot of awesome shit to get to and without the buses, streetcars and subway, I know that a lot of us wouldn’t get where we wanted/needed to go.

Here’s hoping that future discussions, future changes and future operations go well and we can keep on enjoying the TTC for a long, long, long time.

It’s Canada Day weekend. And I hope that all of you north of the border have enjoyed the heck out of it with friends, family, parades, music, fireworks and more.

I’d like to thank everyone who hung out this weekend. You’re all awesome.

Also, big shout out to Pride Toronto for putting on a good show with good times and sunshine and smiles and respect and love and celebration.

Another special shout out goes to No Frills for being open on Sunday when I really needed to stop in for a few things. You guys really came through for me.

Other thanks:
Lou Dawgs for being open late.
@videojey for bbqing.
@trishca for checking out my 1st Pride with me.
@blackbrownbeige for being awesome on stage with the Hidden Cameras at Harbourfront.
Jose Bautista for verbally not being happy that Edwin Encarnacion was snubbed from the All-Star Game.
Everyone who ever fought, rallied or stood up for the freedom of Canada and her citizens and visitors.

And to all of you living in the United States of America, I hope you have a great Independence Day later this week. Be careful with the fireworks and bbqs. Nobody needs to get hurt on a holiday.

You’re all the bee’s knees.

Be awesome.

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

Joshua Murray
creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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Rolling Through Life On An Empty Streetcar & Canada Day Shout Outs

Sometimes you get lucky and get a seat on the streetcar. And other times you get lucky and get every seat on the streetcar!

Blast it all you want. We are all aware that it isn’t a perfect service. But thank goodness for the TTC because this is a pretty big city with a lot of awesome shit to get to and without the buses, streetcars and subway, I know that a lot of us wouldn’t get where we wanted/needed to go.

Here’s hoping that future discussions, future changes and future operations go well and we can keep on enjoying the TTC for a long, long, long time.

It’s Canada Day weekend. And I hope that all of you north of the border have enjoyed the heck out of it with friends, family, parades, music, fireworks and more.

I’d like to thank everyone who hung out this weekend. You’re all awesome.

Also, big shout out to Pride Toronto for putting on a good show with good times and sunshine and smiles and respect and love and celebration.

Another special shout out goes to No Frills for being open on Sunday when I really needed to stop in for a few things. You guys really came through for me.

Other thanks:
Lou Dawgs for being open late.
@videojey for bbqing.
@trishca for checking out my 1st Pride with me.
@blackbrownbeige for being awesome on stage with the Hidden Cameras at Harbourfront.
Jose Bautista for verbally not being happy that Edwin Encarnacion was snubbed from the All-Star Game.
Everyone who ever fought, rallied or stood up for the freedom of Canada and her citizens and visitors.

And to all of you living in the United States of America, I hope you have a great Independence Day later this week. Be careful with the fireworks and bbqs. Nobody needs to get hurt on a holiday.

You’re all the bee’s knees.

Be awesome.

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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