MusiCounts – Support Music in Canadian Schools

We’re very lucky as music fans in Canada to listen to and watch our favourite Canadian artists do their thing. But unless we continue to educate and nurture our young people’s love and talent for music, these days aren’t going to last.

Jess Moskaluke MusiCounts photo credit: barry roden

Jess Moskaluke

Since 1997 MusiCounts has been donating funds to schools across Canada to help ensure that music education continues, and Canadian children grow up with the same knowledge, skill, and appreciation for music that their parents and did. Nearly $7 million total has been donated, but more is needed all the time, every year, in schools and communities from coast to coast.

SO, we’ve decided that it’s time to give back to the music that has been so good to us.

We’ve been lucky enough to share with you our experiences with Canadian music – whether they be concerts, festivals, Q&As, album reviews, NHL previews, etc., etc., etc… and now we’re asking you, the fans of music in Canada, to join us in giving back.

Kira Isabella MusiCounts photo credit: barry roden

Kira Isabella isn’t a profit based website. We don’t make money for sharing our posts or photos. But we do get to experience some awesome things. And we know that you do to because we see your tweets and Facebook posts and LOVE every single one of them. So while we aren’t asking for any large donations (they are welcome of course) we are asking that you help by donating what you can. Even if it’s $1. When we all come together, every dollar really does count.

How Will We Do It? 

Good question! Our friends at Tilt have an awesome way to collect money for all kinds of reasons and campaigns – so we’ve set ourselves up there!

How Do I Donate? 

Great question! In Canada Tilt accepts payments by Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. You can also use prepaid versions of any of those cards.

How Does It Work?

Awesome question! Click the “join” button on the widget below and create a Tilt account either with your email address or by connecting with Facebook. Then enter your donation amount and card info… you will only be charged if we reach our goal of $100 – although we really hope we go past that really quickly!

And to thank everyone for their donations, of even $1, we will be putting every name into a draw for some little tokens of our appreciation. Stay tuned for details on that by checking back in here – or on the Tilt page:

We love music and know we’re lucky to get to do the things that we love to do… and we know you love music just as much as we do. So let’s take a minute, give a little back, and help a new generation learn to love music just as much as we all do.

The Sheepdogs MusiCounts photo credit: barry roden

The Sheepdogs

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

Joshua Murray
creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

2 comments on MusiCounts – Support Music in Canadian Schools

  1. What if I had the guts to quit my job.

  2. Nice gamepaly Screenshot

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MusiCounts – Support Music in Canadian Schools

We’re very lucky as music fans in Canada to listen to and watch our favourite Canadian artists do their thing. But unless we continue to educate and nurture our young people’s love and talent for music, these days aren’t going to last.

Jess Moskaluke MusiCounts photo credit: barry roden

Jess Moskaluke

Since 1997 MusiCounts has been donating funds to schools across Canada to help ensure that music education continues, and Canadian children grow up with the same knowledge, skill, and appreciation for music that their parents and did. Nearly $7 million total has been donated, but more is needed all the time, every year, in schools and communities from coast to coast.

SO, we’ve decided that it’s time to give back to the music that has been so good to us.

We’ve been lucky enough to share with you our experiences with Canadian music – whether they be concerts, festivals, Q&As, album reviews, NHL previews, etc., etc., etc… and now we’re asking you, the fans of music in Canada, to join us in giving back.

Kira Isabella MusiCounts photo credit: barry roden

Kira Isabella isn’t a profit based website. We don’t make money for sharing our posts or photos. But we do get to experience some awesome things. And we know that you do to because we see your tweets and Facebook posts and LOVE every single one of them. So while we aren’t asking for any large donations (they are welcome of course) we are asking that you help by donating what you can. Even if it’s $1. When we all come together, every dollar really does count.

How Will We Do It? 

Good question! Our friends at Tilt have an awesome way to collect money for all kinds of reasons and campaigns – so we’ve set ourselves up there!

How Do I Donate? 

Great question! In Canada Tilt accepts payments by Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. You can also use prepaid versions of any of those cards.

How Does It Work?

Awesome question! Click the “join” button on the widget below and create a Tilt account either with your email address or by connecting with Facebook. Then enter your donation amount and card info… you will only be charged if we reach our goal of $100 – although we really hope we go past that really quickly!

And to thank everyone for their donations, of even $1, we will be putting every name into a draw for some little tokens of our appreciation. Stay tuned for details on that by checking back in here – or on the Tilt page:

We love music and know we’re lucky to get to do the things that we love to do… and we know you love music just as much as we do. So let’s take a minute, give a little back, and help a new generation learn to love music just as much as we all do.

The Sheepdogs MusiCounts photo credit: barry roden

The Sheepdogs

Author profile

creator of content, daddy blogger, writer, coffee drinker, fan of the Batman. proud mo bro. prouder dad.

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